How do you take the first steps to break a food addiction?

First and foremost, you must become aware of exactly what is happening. You need to realize you are caught up in an addiction. Bringing awareness to the situation is the first step to recovery.

Any addiction is serious. It takes over and before you know it you are not in control of your own choices anymore and you become like a zombie.
It is a strong craving that takes control of your body and drags your feet to the wrong food isles with you rendered helpless.

Before you know what happened, you are munching away on chips and soda and anything that gives an instant satisfaction but leaves you feeling empty instead of full and satisfied as it carries empty high calories. Not too long after and the cycle starts again.

Once you brought awareness into your situation, the next step is to make a choice. You need to take back your power. You need to jump into the driver seat. It doesn’t have to be hard – it can be as simple as saying to yourself, I’m done. I release all these bad habits and negative eating patterns. I choose a new life. I choose a healthy life. I’m done with this. I am my own master.

If you don’t decide and act – you are not empowered to withstand the craving. And those cravings will come – each and every day.
Willpower is key. Without willpower the habit overpowers. To kick a habit usually takes 21 days with the first 3 days being the hardest. Important to know is that a craving comes and goes. It lasts roughly 5 minutes and then magically disappears. If you can withstand the 5 minutes, you have won. Stand firm in those 5 minutes.

If you are craving something sweet for instance, rather take a walk outside for 5 minutes or drink a tall glass of water to reset your thought pattern.
You need to step up each day. You have to literally get up in the morning and set your intention for the day. Motivate yourself and get your mind into that positive zone.

When you do slip up – don’t beat yourself up about it. Remember you are human. Its ok. Be gentle with yourself. Then pull out your willpower and just say: Lets go! Full steam ahead. Don’t go wander down that path looking for excuses such as … well, I already messed up today, I might as well just snack on this or that. Better yet, I’ll start again tomorrow – or better yet, Monday. Good old Monday.
You are the driver here. You must take responsibility for your actions.
It is normal that you feel bad when you do slip up. Everyone feels like that, you are not alone in your emotions. Remember you are human and there is no need to add extra stress and to feel bad about yourself.

It becomes a inner game – it doesn’t have to be a inner warfare. Once you let it get out of control, your whole day will spin out of control. Everything starts annoying you and you start taking it out on loved ones. All because you are mad at yourself.

It is important to be gentle with yourself. Be your own best friend. Support yourself and give yourself a pat on the back for every step you take be it how small. You deserve it.

It can be so easy to just jump back on the right path straight away and self-correct. It’s all a choice. Don’t let the wrong choices spiral out of control – right.
Before you know it, the most beautiful thing happens – you start craving healthy foods.

That day when you feel you really want to munch and you decide, hey – I’m going to overeat on a delicious plate of healthy food. Then you are the winner and you have really stepped into your best version.
Best thing is when you can control your impulses and cravings – it flows out to all other areas in your life. At home, at work…. Everything starts pulling together, and you really become the master of your life.

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