Living Magically

It comes as no surprize in this day and age that there is a hunger in humanity. Dis-satisfied with our conditions we search for a new approach to everyday life.

What does it mean to live magically?
First and foremost we have to look within. As we grasp blindly to external quick fixes, we forget that all the answers and all the power rests inside us. That means that you have the power to change your life for the better this very minute. You can be happy. You can experience true love and feel truly connected. You really can have it all if you allow it to flow into your life and just open yourself up to the possibilities.

Do not settle for just the little fenced off aspect of yourself. The sun and the oceans are nothing in comparison to you as a sovereign human being.
The sunbeam sparkles only in the sunlight, and the ripple dances as it rests
upon the ocean. Yet in neither sun nor ocean is the power that rests in you. (living magically)

This world we live in truly is full of miracles and the only way to experience it is through belief.

  1. Consciousness creates matter.
    Simply put, at the core, everything is made up from energy. What we think, we manifest on a different vibration level. Where thought flows, energy follows. Just concentrating on your thoughts and
    focusing on the positive – you will already see a huge change in your life. That means if you belief in your conscious mind that you have that new job or that car or any desire you may have, you
    are already putting the motions at work to manifest it in your life. Belief is the fuel.
  2. We create our own reality.
    According to metaphysics, we don’t only bring atoms and molecules into being, but we also choreograph their being. How amazing is that! Nothing happens unless we make it happen. We are constantly creating
    on a subconscious level. We bring into our lives every problem, trauma, success, relationship, promotion, everything you can think of. And what do we create with? Yes, you guessed it- belief…and We create
    with our attitudes, thoughts, desires, feelings, choices – every minute.
    The star seed transmission says – the stuff of which you are made of is so charged with the ability to create that everything you touch comes to life.
  3. The present is where the power is.
    At all times we have the freedom of choice, but we forget so easily to live in the now. The now is where the magic is. We are constantly thinking and worrying about the future – upcoming events, what
    to plan, what to cook, meetings, debt, what to wear… all little things distracting us, building allusions of the future. When we don’t fret about the future, we bring up the past. Eventually we so judge our self on
    past failures and fears about the future that we totally forget about the here and now.

Relax, take a deep breath, what do you see? what do you hear? what do you feel? Truly be present in the moment and forget about everything else.

Let us all start practicing on these simple techniques every day and grow together as a family:
Laugh a bit, feel special, stop worrying, have hope, be open for change, say positive affirmations, expect new things, love more, be at peace, be grateful, let go of the past, forgive, be confident, release pain.

When we open ourselves up to the countless possibilities we can truly live magically.


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